Day 18: Daily Gracelines – Advent Journey with Mary

Theme: Advent is a time of waiting and preparing for the coming of the Savior. Mary, the Mother of God, waits patiently for the birth of her Son and Savior, Jesus Christ to Whom she has given her life.

Grace: I pray for the grace of Marian surrender and anticipation of the Savior during this holy Advent and Christmas season.

“…the spirituality of waiting is not simply ourGod waitingwaiting for God. It is also participating in God’s waiting for us…”                    

                                          ~Henri J. M. Nouwen


For Reflection:
Ponder this quote. What does it mean to you? In what way(s) did God wait for Mary? How do I think He has been waiting for me? (Hint: One answer is found in tomorrow’s Grace Line) What is my response?

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