Beware of Lame-Duck Session!

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In spite of record wins for conservatives last week, pro-family groups are warning that liberals can still work “considerable mischief” in an upcoming lame-duck session as they seize a last chance to pass controversial legislation.

The American Family Association (AFA) is warning American voters to remain vigilant and be ready to contact their representatives next week as lawmakers return to Washington for one last session of Congress before a tidal wave of conservative lawmakers take office in January.

They list the following as major issues to watch:

• The “lame-duck” Congress may make a move to allow open homosexuals to serve in the U.S. military by repealing the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. This despite the public opposition of the heads of all four branches of the military, including the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James Amos. Gen. Amos said over the weekend that overturning the ban will cause a loss of unit cohesion and combat readiness, and pose a “risk” to “combat effectiveness”.

• ObamaCare must be repealed in its entirety and replaced. We must make sure that the “lame-duck” Congress does not place additional obstacles in the path of repeal, and that instead, efforts are begun to defund this gross expansion of federal power.

• We must insist that the “lame-duck” Congress extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone. President Obama wants to increase taxes on America’s small business owners by refusing to extend the current tax cuts they’ve enjoyed. Yet America’s small businesses produce well over than half the jobs in our economy. For American families looking for work, this is the worst possible time to raise taxes on small businesses.

The AFA is asking concerned citizens to “Let your congressman know you’re watching the ‘lame-duck’ session like a hawk!”

Click here for information on how to contact your representative.

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