Catholic Actor/Producer May Run for President in Mexico

Eduardo Verastegui (Twitter)

Eduardo Verastegui, Catholic actor and producer of the pro-life film Bella, is seriously considering a run for the presidency in Mexico in 2018 as the Social Encounter Party (SEP) candidate.

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) is reporting on news coming out of several Mexican outlets that the very pro-life, pro-family Verastegui has been in conversations with SEP president, Hugo Eric Flores, who confirmed that he is being considered for an “important” position on their slate of candidates.

Verastegui, who was once a well-known Mexican TV star, underwent a dramatic reversion to the faith 15 years ago and abruptly stopped accepting roles in films that conflicted with Catholicism. Now a daily communicant who goes to Confession weekly, he established Manto de Guadalupe, (Mantle of Guadalupe), a Los Angeles-based pro-life organization with worldwide outreach, as well as the Guadalupe Medical Center, a crisis pregnancy center for the underprivileged Latina women.

He is best-known for cofounding Metanoia Films (Greek for “repentance”) which is based in Beverly Hills and dedicated to producing films that touch the hearts and consciences of people. The company’s best-known production was the 2006 film, Bella, which documents a day in the life of a young girl who discovers she is pregnant and is considering abortion. The film won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival.

Metanoia’s most recent project is the movie, Little Boy, which is about a young boy who learns how to live the virtues and then to teach them to others. The film became a blockbuster in Mexico.

He is now working on a film called Sound of Freedom which is based on the story of Tim Ballard, a former agent with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security who quit his job to launch an international organization aiming to rescue children who had been kidnapped for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

In addition, Metanoia Films also produced a documentary entitled, The Other Party which addresses the issue of crime prevention in Mexico.

The 43 year-old Verastegui has devoted himself to promoting life, the family and religious freedom which makes him the perfect fit for a candidate representing Mexico’s newest national party, the SEP.

Founded in 2014, it’s platform is to “reconcile political activity with the ethical principles and values based in the building block of society: the family”. Next year’s election will be the first time the party participates in presidential politics.

The world needs more young and committed Catholics like Verastegui who are willing to assume public office and, hopefully, lead the world into a more life-affirming direction.

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