Walking for Life and Love

A 74 year-old man who stole the hearts of America by walking the streets every day in search of a kidney for his ailing wife has finally found a donor!

FoxNews.com is reporting on the good news that Wayne Winters of Farr West, Utah has found a kidney for his wife, Deanna, who was diagnosed with stage five kidney failure two years ago.

After waiting in vain for a donor, Winters decided last month that he could no longer stand to watch his bride of 26 years suffer so much and decided to take matters in his own hands.

He created a sandwich board with the words, “Need kidney 4 Wife” in big bold letters along with his phone number. Every day at rush hour, he would don the sign and walk the streets for miles waiting for someone to respond.

On his very first day, a man stopped and offered to get tested to see if he was a match. Although it didn’t work out, it encouraged him to keep going.

A video of him faithfully pounding the pavement every day went viral, which only improved his chances, and he was soon receiving hundreds of offers to help.

And then he finally got the call he had been waiting for: “We have a kidney for you get down here,” Wayne told KTSU.

He learned that a kidney donor passed away and the organ was a match for Deanna. She now has a new kidney, and more precious time to spend with the husband who loves her so much.

“If she can have a good five years that would be awesome, we can have our life back,” Wayne said.

But he doesn’t intend to stop looking for kidneys. The overwhelming response of the good people who saw him pounding the pavement every day, and whose calls left him with sometimes 700-800 voice mails, has encouraged him to set his sights on an even greater good.

“I will spend more of my days walking with my sign to see how many I can get,” Winters said. “Think about it, we could start a kidney revolution, and that would be so great.”

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