White House Targets California Pastor

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A Southern California pastor who described President Barack Obama as a “dangerous” man during an interview with a Christian news service said he has been contacted by a White House representative who wants to speak with him about the comments.

OneNewsNow.com is reporting that the comment was made by Dr. David Jeremiah, senior pastor at the Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajun, California during an interview last week with the news service. In the interview, he was asked about the direction the country is going under Barack Obama’s leadership.
“I do not believe he has been an asset to our country; I don’t believe he’s moved us forward in a good direction, and frankly, I am praying, along with many other believers, that in this mid-term election we will find a way to slow down this train that seems to be moving us toward socialism and away from our historical moorings,” Dr. Jeremiah said. “I’m really frightened about that, and I think in that respect, I believe he’s a dangerous person.”

Shortly after the article appeared on-line, Jeremiah told his national radio audience that he got a call from the White House.

“There’s a guy in the White House named Joshua DuBois, who is the liaison for President Obama to the faith-based community. He called my office on Thursday, and I was in transit — I couldn’t talk with him.” The two scheduled a different time to speak about the matter.

In a follow up e-mail, DuBois said he listens to the pastor’s radio program, Turning Point, every day, and was “anxious” to talk with him.

Has White House pressure made him regret his comments?

Not at all, the pastor says. “I don’t know where this is all going. In fact, I’ve had people ask me do I regret what I said, and I said no – I didn’t say that in a mean-spirited way. It was my opinion that that’s where we’re going. Nothing that I know of that’s been brought to the fore…has made me change my mind about that. I am very concerned about where this country is going.”

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