Lawmakers Demand Defunding of Notorious Kinsey Institute

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

After revelations of sexual abuse by a child-victim of Indiana University’s discredited sex researcher, Alfred Kinsey, lawmakers are calling for an immediate defunding of the Institute founded in his name and a national law firm is seriously considering a possible class-action suit on behalf of victims of Kinsey’s sordid science. (WND) is reporting that Indiana state representatives Cindy Noe and Woody Burton want the Kinsey Institute defunded due to scientific fraud and serious criminality in connection with the systematic rape of children by known pedophiles, supposedly in the interest of science, during Kinsey’s tenure at the University.

The renewed interest in investigating the Institute and Kinsey’s research on children comes after a woman named Esther White (not her real name) revealed that the researcher paid her father to repeatedly rape her in the 1940s when she was nine years old. White, who describes Kinsey as “insane”, “evil” and “Satan incarnate” claims Kinsey also recruited her grandfather to assist in his sordid research by enticing his two sons to molest their own daughters for Kinsey’s research.

There have been many efforts over the years to investigate these and other allegations of crimes having been committed in the name of science by Kinsey and Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute which still stands behind the largely discredited research.   

At one time, Kinsey was considered to be a pioneer in the field of sexual research, with his work fueling the sexual revolution and fundamentally transforming America’s moral and sexual jurisprudence. However, it has since been discovered that his research was seriously flawed and his shocking professional standards allowed for the molestation of hundreds of people, including children, in order to gather “research data.”

Burton, a veteran legislator who has spearheaded efforts in the past to defund the Kinsey Institute, claims that gerrymandered districts have kept Democrats in power in the state legislature and have frustrated Republican attempts to bring Kinsey funding to a vote. He’s hoping big wins by the GOP on Nov. 2 may result in a more favorable climate for the legislation.

“The last time I tried to defund them, their budget was $666,000,” Burton told WND. “That number was quite a joke in the Indiana House.”

He described a tour of the Kinsey Institute, calling it a “porno pit” filled with rooms where students are shown pornography and participate in sexual experiments.

“It’s just disgusting; and they sit there and try to tell you it’s just science,” Burton said.

He also noted that much of the Kinsey collection of sexual paraphernalia and research files are not open to the public – not even to the state legislators who fund it.

But a renewed defunding effort could be only the beginning of the Institute’s woes. Liberty Counsel, a Virginia based public interest law firm, is “seriously looking” at initiating a possible class-action lawsuit against the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University on behalf of his victims and the massive fraud perpetrated on the U.S. and the world with his phony science.

“We are very interested in looking at that from a legal perspective,” Mathew Staver, attorney and founder of Liberty Counsel told WND earlier this week. “Some people were experimented on contrary to ethical standards. The case involves not only child abuse, but sexual abuse. We are investigating people who were victims.”

While admitting that they may encounter problems with statutes of limitation because most of these alleged crimes took place prior to 1953, the firm is considering possible legal strategies to get around these roadblocks.

“We know the Kinsey Institute has not been forthcoming in providing full disclosure and access to Kinsey’s research archives,” said  J. Matt Barber, an attorney and director of cultural affairs at Liberty Counsel.  “Our question to them is, ‘What exactly is it that you don’t want the world to see?'”

Micah Clark, executive director of the American Family Association of Indiana, who has been lobbying state legislators to join the cause for defunding the Kinsey Institute thinks the time has finally come to bring justice on behalf of the many victims of Kinsey’s crimes.

“We have battled with Indiana’s legislature for years to stop supplying money to Indiana University for the Kinsey Institute,” Clark told WND.

“The Kinsey Institute has shaped the policies of SIECUS [Sexual Education Information Caucus of the U.S] and Planned Parenthood, and their version of sex education has now infiltrated our schools,” Clark told WND. “The other side wears that as a badge of honor. We view that as a badge of shame.”

Clark believes next year could be the year efforts to shut down the Kinsey Institute will finally pay off.

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