Church Responds to UK Terrorist Attack


Our Lady of Manchester, pray for us!

Our Lady of Manchester, pray for us!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSPope Francis has expressed deep sadness over the terrorist attack that claimed 22 lives at a concert in Manchester, England last evening, while the local church condemned the attack and is invoking Our Lady of Manchester to pray for the victims.

Vatican Radio is reporting on a telegram sent by Pope Francis expressing condolences to the victims of Monday night’s bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. The bombing, believed to have been the work of a suicide bomber, killed at least 22 people and injured another 59.

“His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the barbaric attack in Manchester, and he expresses his heartfelt solidarity with all those affected by this senseless act of violence,” the telegram read.

“He commends the generous efforts of the emergency and security personnel, and offers the assurance of his prayers for the injured, and for all who have died. Mindful in a particular way of those children and young people who have lost their lives, and of their grieving families, Pope Francis invokes God’s blessings of peace, healing and strength upon the nation.”

Bishop John Arnold of the Diocese of Salford, England, which includes the city of Manchester, issued a statement condemning the attack.

“The citizens of Manchester and the members of the Catholic community are united in condemning the attack on the crowds at the Manchester Arena,” her said.

“Such an attack can have no justification. I thank the emergency services for their prompt and speedy response which saved lives. We join in prayer for all those who have died and for the injured and their families and all affected by this tragedy. We must all commit ourselves to working together, in every way, to help the victims and their families and to build and strengthen our community solidarity.”

The Bishop is planning to preside at a Mass at St. Mary’s, Mulbery Street, in Manchester at noon today and at Salford Cathedral at 7:00 p.m. this evening. All are invited to join in prayer.

The Bishop is also calling upon Our Lady of Manchester to intercede for the victims and for the city left so deeply wounded by this barbaric attack.

Our Lady of Manchester is a shrine located inside St. Mary’s, a Catholic church referred to locally as the “The Hidden Gem.” Founded in 1794 in the center of what was once the poorest section of the city of Manchester, is now believed to be the oldest post-Reformation Catholic Church in England.

“This makes St Mary’s the Catholic mother-church of the whole of Greater Manchester,” the website states.

We can all pray in solidarity with the people of England during this time of national mourning. Women of Grace has launched a Warrior’s Rosary Crusade to begin immediately.

“I am asking you to enlist,” said Women of Grace® founder Johnnette Benkovic on Women of Grace®Live Radio on EWTN today. “I propose that you enlist in this Crusade as a knight in this Kingdom Family of God. Our weaponry will not be bombs filled with nails detonated by a crazed suicide bomber. Our strategy and tactic will not be barbarism and horror. Our weaponry will be the Rosary. We will lift it high, and cry out with St. Michael the Archangel, ‘Who Is Like Unto God?’ — and our victory will be certain.”

Click here to enlist today!

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