Pope’s Visit Already Producing Fruit in UK

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Just days after the conclusion of Pope Benedict’s trip to the UK, a new Christian advocacy group has formed to launch a campaign defending the right of Christians to express their faith and beliefs in the public square.

According to the Christian Post, Lord Carey, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, is among the supporters of the nationwide “Not Ashamed” campaign, launched by the new Christian Concern for Our Nation group.

Based in London, the campaign highlights the discrimination some Christians are experiencing in their schools or workplaces when they openly express their beliefs. Recent high profile cases of the abuse include that of a relationship advisor named Gary McFarlane who was dismissed by his employer for refusing to counsel same-sex couples. Shirley Chaplin, a nurse, was also penalized by her employer for refusing to remove her crucifix.

The group’s founder, Andrea Minichiello Williams, said the Pope’s visit to Britain  highlighted the attempts by some people to remove Jesus from public life and confine faith to the private sphere.

“This has meant that many Christians have felt unable to speak and live out their faith, or confused and bewildered at what they are allowed to say and do in public,” she said. “It is time for the Church to find her voice again. We are praying that this campaign will achieve just that by igniting a flame in Christians such that they find their voice and place in public life.”

Lord Carey is writing a leaflet for the campaign which explains why Jesus Christ is good news for all. The group is hoping to deliver a copy to every household in the country.

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