Crucial Vote Takes Place Today on Defense Bill Loaded with Radical Causes

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The Senate may vote today to open debate on a national defense authorization bill that has been saddled with a variety of liberal amendments such as repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy, overturning the prohbition on performing abortions on military bases and extending amnesty to illegal immigrants.

“The liberal Congress knows that they have pushed the American people too far, and they are about to be fired,” writes Phyllis Schlafly of The Eagle Forum. “Rather than working to create jobs and address our failing economy, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is insulting our men and women in uniform by using the National Defense Authorization Act as a vehicle to pass some of the most radical aspects of the liberal social agenda.”

This is the same tactic used last year to ram through a vastly unpopular and unconstitutional hate crimes law. By attaching it to a Defense Authorization bill, Sen. Reid was able to avoid subjecting the law to a vote in the Senate where it would have certainly failed to pass.

The new National Defense Authorization Bill (HR 5136) now contains the following amendments:

1. Repeal of the 1993 law prohibiting homosexuals from serving in the military. Popularly known as the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy, many Senators oppose changing this law until seeing the results of a survey being conducted in the military as to how a change might affect their operations.

2. Overturning a prohibition on performing abortions on all U.S. military bases.  Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) has attached an amendment to the bill that will permit the performance of abortions by military personnel on both domestic and overseas military facilities

3. Enact the so-called DREAM Act, which will provide amnesty to illegal immigrants. According to Schlafly, the DREAM Act will:

• Offer legal status and a “path to citizenship” to all illegal aliens living in the U.S. who entered the U.S. before they were 16 years of age, and who have earned a high school diploma or a General Educational Development certificate (GED). The act also repeals the federal prohibition on states offering reduced in-state tuition at state-supported colleges and universities to illegal aliens.

• Overturn the prohibition on illegal aliens receiving federal student loans and participating in work-study programs.

• Allow amnestied aliens to apply for citizenship and petition to bring their extended relatives, including their parents who brought them here illegally, to the U.S. after six years.

A vote on the bill is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. today and the vote is expected to be very close.

Citizens are being asked to contact their Senators today to express their concerns about this bill.

Click here for Senate contact information.

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