Rock Whispering in Sedona

sedonaIn the wake of the election of a Republican to the highest office in the land, some of the liberal elite are looking for guidance among the rocks and canyons of Arizona.

A case in point was reported by Heatstreet and involves Girls celebrity Lena Dunham who was so disconsolate over the election of Donald J. Trump she sought solace in the popular New Age hub known as Sedona, Arizona.

Sedona is famous for what some believe is a unique “spiritual vibe” but is actually just a place where the so-called “enlightened” gather to read auras and otherwise tune into the secret vibrations of the universe that only the gifted can detect.

Dunham chose rock whispering for her spiritual escape and posted a picture of herself on Instagram expressing love for her fans and describing how she “whispered some wishes for you into the big red rock” after asking “the Canyon for some guidance.”

Seeking wisdom from rocks is known as animism, a belief system based on the notion that all created beings and objects – from animals to gravel – have a spirit.

You may or may not remember that Dunham was one of several stars who promised to leave the country if Trump was elected but who are now rescinding that promise.

Breitbart reports that Dunham wrote in a separate post that she was grieving over the “loss of our country and the woman who inspired us” and was comparing her experience since Trump’s election to that of a Jewish mourning ritual known as a “shivah.”

Dunham, who is Jewish, apparently has no qualms about dabbling around in a variety of spiritual practices – from traditional Judaism to the utterly absurd New Age rock worship.

We can only hope she will eventually find her way home to Jesus.


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