Another Miracle at Lourdes?

50648881 - lourdes, france - circa july 2015 statue madonna and flowersWitnesses say a 28 year-old wheelchair-bound woman appeared to have been spontaneously healed during a recent pilgrimage to Lourdes. is reporting on the incident which occurred on Tuesday, September 27 and involved a young Sicilian woman who was suffering from a brain tumor and who had been restricted to a wheelchair for three years.

The woman and her mother went into the water basin of Lourdes where a miraculous spring appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous more than a century earlier. Of the 69 recognized miracles of healing that occurred in Lourdes to date, 50 occurred after contact with this water.

According to eyewitnesses, the young woman suddenly jumped from her wheelchair and ran for joy in the direction of the cave where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette. After a few steps, she stumbled and fell. A doctor who was nearby ran to help her and suggested that an investigation be opened into what seemed to be occurring.

Priests also rushed to the site and prayed over the weeping woman who was able to stand up and walk without restriction.

If found to be an authentic healing, the woman will be added to a long list of people who were miraculously healed in the same waters. One of the more famous cases involved a woman named Rose Martin who was suffering from terminal cancer when she visited the shrine in 1947. Weighing only 70 pounds, she was put on morphine for pain but was otherwise expected to die. However, after bathing in the waters three times, her appetite suddenly returned and all of her pain went away. Not long afterward, she was declared to be cancer free.

There is a long and tedious process to be undergone before a healing can be pronounced authentic. Therefore, the faithful are being asked to treat the news of this possible miraculous cure with caution until further research can confirm it.

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