British Soldier Says Rosary Saved His Life

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist 

A 19 year-old British soldier on patrol in Afghanistan’s notorious Helmand Province was spared from almost certain death when he bent over to pick up his rosary and saw that he was standing on a landmine. Strangely enough, almost the exact same circumstance occurred during World War II to his great-grandfather.

London’s Daily Mail is reporting that Glenn Hockton, 19, of Tye Green, Essex, was on patrol in Afghanistan when his rosary fell from his neck.

“He felt like he had a slap on the back,” said his mother, Sheri Jones. “He bent down to pick up his rosary to see if it was broken. As he bent down, he realized he was on a landmine.”

It took 45 terrifying minutes for his colleagues to successfully free him.

Had the rosary not fallen from his neck at that exact moment, the next step he took would have meant almost certain death.

His miraculous story becomes even more compelling due to the fact that his great-grandfather, Joseph “Sunny” Truman, experienced almost the same situation during World War II. Truman, who was with the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, had been captured and was being marched away from the advancing Allied army along with other prisoners.

“He was walking across a field with half a dozen of his platoon,” Mrs. Jones said. “He bent down to pick something up and was the only one to survive a sudden bomb blast. He had picked up a rosary.”

This was not her son’s first brush with death, however. He was shot in the chest in a separate occasion but the bullet imbedded itself in his body armor and caused him no injury.

After serving seven months in Afghanistan, he is now safely back home.

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