Feast of St. Rose of Lima (1586 – 1617)


“Let all men know that grace comes afterHeaven stairway to tribulation. Let them know that the gifts of grace increase as the struggles increase. This is the only true stairway to paradise, and without the cross they can find no roads to climb to heaven.”

~St. Rose of Lima


For Reflection:

What are the “steps” on my stairway to paradise? I will pray to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help me identify what gifts of grace are hidden within them to help me climb the road to heaven.


Sexuality and Authority in the Catholicb1701 Church
Monica Miller  PB 286 pgs
Click Here For More Information:


We are concerned about the historical significance of the female person who, while certainly able to make many great contributions to society and culture, cannot be properly understood apart from her life-giving powers. By these powers the covenant of salvation is accomplished and achieves its historical expression in union with masculine authority.

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