Louisiana Becomes 4th State to Opt Out of ObamaCare Abortion Coverage

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The state of Louisiana has become the fourth state to opt out of the abortion funding mandated by ObamaCare, with lawmakers in both the House and Senate passing the measure by wide margins.

LifeNews.com is reporting that passage of the bill adds Louisiana to a growing list of states that have chosen to opt out of provisions in ObamaCare that would require state-run health insurance exchanges to offer plans that cover abortion. Thus far, Arizona, Tennessee and Mississippi have passed similar measures, with dozens of other states planning to do so in 2011.

The Louisiana bill, which exempts the state from the abortion mandate in the recently-enacted federal health care reform law, was crafted by attorneys with the pro-life legal organization, Americans United for Life (AUL). Called the “Federal Abortion-Mandate Opt-Out Act,” the AUL made it available to lawmakers in all 50 states the day after President Obama signed the controversial health care reform bill into law.

“Specifically, the new law prohibits health insurers participating in the state-run health insurance exchange (scheduled to go into effect in 2014) from offering plans or policies that cover abortions except in rare cases in which the mother’s life is in danger,” AUL attorney Denise Burke told LifeNews.

“Governor Jindal and our allies in Louisiana are to be congratulated on their bold leadership in support of life. Clearly, Louisiana has earned its top-spot in AUL’s annual ranking of the most pro-life states and has again set the standard for other states to follow,” she said.

More states are expected to pass the same law soon. “We continue to work with dozens of states that are considering opt-out legislation either this year or when their legislative sessions reconvene in 2011,” Burke said.

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