Join the Rosary Relay for Priests!

rosary in handThe 11th annual Rosary Relay for Priests will take place on June 3, the Feast of the Sacred Heart and will include more than 100 shrines around the world.

According to, the Relay was started by Worldpriest, an organization dedicated to affirming the dignity, beauty and gift of the priesthood of Jesus Christ to humanity.

The Relay is a very simple idea which involves participating shrines around the world where the faithful pray a particular decade of the Rosary at a particular half hour of the day. The Rosary is prayed in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the loving protection of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for her priestly sons. The end result is that by midnight on the Annual Global Rosary Relay day, the entire world is encircled in prayer for our priests.

The Rosary Relay is the brainchild of Marian Mulhall, a lay Carmelite and founder of Worldpriest which is a lay organization of professional communications people which was formed in 2003. Mulhall formed the group in response to St. John Paul’s announcement of a World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests which is to be held every year on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Since its inception, the Annual Global Rosary Relay Day for the Sanctification of Priests, has fast become one of the largest gatherings of a world at prayer for one purpose, one prayer, one day.

The faithful are encouraged to join in this effort by traveling to a participating shrine and joining in the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary.  However, if this is not possible, they are being asked to pray a Rosary at their parish or in their homes that day for priests.

Why should you get involved?

“Because this is an opportunity for millions in the universal Church to be united in prayer and show gratitude and support for our priests,” writes Mary Kathryn Volpone for the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge. “After all, we need them! We live in a world that does not typically encourage priestly vocations. Did you ever think what it would be like without our Catholic priests? We would not have the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist . . . ”

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