Abortion an Issue in Critical California Race

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The contest between radical pro-abortion Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and pro-life challenger Carly Fiorina may become a battle over abortion rights.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Sen. Boxer is already making an issue of Fiorina’s support for overturning Roe v. Wade, trying to paint her as being out-of-step with California voters.

“She wants to make it a crime, and that would mean women and doctors in jail,” Boxer said during an interview this week. “That is so out of touch with Californians.”

Fiorina responded to Boxer’s charge by calling it a “ridiculous statement.”

“I happen to believe in the sanctity of life, but the great majority of Californians disagree with Barbara Boxer, who believes that taxpayers should be funding partial-birth abortion,” Fiorina told reporters after a speech at a Republican breakfast in Anaheim. “Barbara Boxer is really trying to change the subject. The subject in this election is jobs. The subject in this election is out-of-control government.”

Sen. Boxer, whose popularity has slipped in the polls due to her support for many of President Obama’s unpopular programs, may see Fiorina’s abortion position as a weak spot that she can exploit for votes.

Some polls have shown that as many as two-thirds of Californians are opposed to overturning Roe v. Wade. Among independents — a vital voting block for Fiorina – only 28 percent favor overturning the 1973 decision.

Nationally, support for abortion has been steadily waning with a majority now considering themselves to be pro-life. Even among those who support abortion rights, only a small percentage are in favor of abortion on demand without restrictions.

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