Worldwide Rosary for the Unborn

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A Memphis-based Catholic organization is coordinating a Worldwide Rosary for Unborn Babies which will take place at 9:00 a.m. on October 18, 2008 around the world.

St. Michael the Archangel Organization, which recently coordinated the One Million Rosaries for Unborn Babies which took place on May 3, 2008, is organizing the Worldwide Rosary for the intention of ending the surgical and non-surgical killing of the unborn. 

Because participants will be praying the Rosary during the 9:00 a.m. hour according to the particular time zone they are in, it is hoped that the earth will be circled with multiple waves of Rosaries within a 24-hour time period, says the Organization’s president, Patrick Benedict.

“In addition to participating, people are encouraged to ask others to be participants,” he told the Christian Newswire. “The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization needs much help so people throughout the world will know about this pro-life prayer event.”

Word is already spreading around the world and the effort has gained support from places such as Lithuania, the Czech Republic, India and Kenya. Benedict’s website now includes information about the event in nine languages.

Organizers are encouraging the faithful to spread the word about the rosary campaign to their friends, family, clergy and the local community.

For more information about the event visit 

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