Poll: Obama Supporters Mostly Non-Churchgoers

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A new Gallup poll has found that President Obama is drawing most of his support from among those people who seldom or never attend church.

CNSNews.com is reporting that the president’s approval rating, which currently stands at 49 percent, but would be much lower without the support of one of his main constituencies – people who don’t go to church.

The poll analyzed the president’s approval rating among three different types of church-goers: people who attend church weekly, people who attend church nearly weekly or monthly, and people who seldom or never attend church.

Their analysis showed that among people who attend church weekly, the president enjoys only a 43 percent approval rating – down from the 51 percent this group gave him in the week ending July 19, 2009, but better than the all-time low from this group – 38 percent – which was recorded the week ending April 4.

The president wins a 47 percent approval rating among those who say they attend services on a monthly basis.

The only group to give him an approval rating above 50 percent are those who say they seldom or never attend church services.

Since his election, he has never fallen below 50 percent in this particular demographic even while his approval rating has steadily declined among the other groups.

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