Kagan Disparages Pro-Life Movement in 1980 Essay

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

An essay written by Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan shortly after Ronald Reagan’s victory in 1980 reveals her desire for a more left-leaning government and her disdain for the pro-life movement.

LifeNews.com is reporting that the essay, written for the Daily Princetonian the week after Reagon’s landslide victory in 1980, had Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court lamenting the victory and revealing her hopes for a “more leftist left” in the next election.

“Even after the returns came in, I found it hard to conceive of the victories of these anonymous but Moral Majority-backed opponents,” Kagan wrote.

She went on to refer to them as “avengers of ‘innocent life’” who were “beneficiaries of a general turn to the right and a profound disorganization on the left.”

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, told LifeNews that by putting “innocent life” in quotes, Kagan betrayed a possible animus toward the pro-life movement and the need to respect all human life.

“Was Ms. Kagan so dismissive of the belief that unborn children are members of the human family that she felt it necessary to put the term ‘innocent life’ in quote marks, or does she have another explanation?” Johnson wondered.

“Would she be able to set aside any animus she has towards those who fight to protect innocent human life, when reviewing laws duly enacted for that purpose?”

Because Kagan appears to have a strong pro-abortion viewpoint, Johnson is calling on the Senate to question her on this issue.

“Senators have an obligation to probe whether Elena Kagan will tolerate limits on abortion, enacted through normal democratic channels, or will seek to impose extreme pro-abortion views by judicial decree,” he said.

“There are troubling indications that Ms. Kagan generally favors an activist, results-oriented approach to constitutional law,” he concluded.

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