House Fails to Override Obama Veto

vote pro lifeCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As expected, pro-life lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives failed to overturn a presidential veto of a bill that would have gutted Obamacare and stripped federal funding from Planned Parenthood-  but are hoping this near-miss will convince citizens to vote pro-life in the upcoming presidential election. is reporting on the vote which took place yesterday. The 241-186 vote fell short of the two-thirds needed to override the president’s veto. This means the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood funding will remain in place, at least until the end of President Obama’s term in office.

Failure to override the veto surprised no one, but Republican House leaders are hoping this will convince voters to elect lawmakers who are opposed to the expensive health care reform bill and the continued funding of the controversial abortion giant. Recent news about the sale of fetal baby parts by Planned Parenthood, coupled with the country’s increasingly pro-life mood, could spell trouble for the continued existence of divisive policies put in p lace during this administration that favor abortion and other “reproductive rights” regardless of religious beliefs.

“The president is the only person standing in the way of what the American people want, so our job now is to stand up for them, to demonstrate for them who is on their side,” said Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, R-Ga.

It was not surprising that the USA Today article cited the erroneous charges made against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of The Center for Medical Progress, the organization that caught Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. When presenting the opposing opinion in the article, the reporter cited the findings by the Harris County, Texas District Attorney’s Office, saying that the grand jury failed to indict anyone from Planned Parenthood but charged Daleiden and Merritt instead. The author failed to inform readers that the reason no one from Planned Parenthood was indicted is because the charges against the abortion clinic involved were never voted upon by the jury, nor did anyone from the clinic appear for questioning.

But pro-life lawmakers such as Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, know the truth and are speaking out against policies that grant taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood. Even though the clinics claim they don’t use the money to perform abortions, receipt of the money allows them to use more of its private donations to fund abortions.

“This government-financed war on the innocent unborn has got to stop,” Brady said.

If Americans consider the value of human life when casting their votes this November, we may finally bring an end to the gross injustice of using taxpayer money – against the will of the people – to finance infanticide.

Prayer can work miracles! Make the following pro-life prayer part of your daily prayers:


Most Holy Trinity,
You are Truth and You are Love;
Indivisible, universal and absolute.
May Your Name be held Holy
through our enlightened and active citizenship
in our nation, in our world and for the sake of Your Kingdom.

May Your Will be done
in our citizens and in our political candidates
as we prepare for the elections in November.
Give us this day the grace to know that
“Love without Truth is not Love, and,
Truth without Love is not Truth.”*
Guard us against temptations to
selfish interests, bitterness,
cynicism and apathy.

Help us work hard to ensure the common good
by upholding the inalienable rights
and the innate dignity
of every human being,
especially of those who are most vulnerable.

Deliver us from the deceitful tactics of the evil one
as you empower us to fulfill our pledge to be
“one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.”

For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory
now and forever. Amen!

Written by an Oblate of St. Joseph priest.
© 2012 JMJ Divine Inspirations


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