Women of Grace Grows in Wildwood

A Women of Grace Regional Facilitator Training was recently held at St. Vincent’s Facilitator training Sue J-smallCatholic Church in Wildwood, Florida.

Regional Coordinators, Sue Jacobsen from Millville, NJ and Mary Dillenback, from Fishers Landing, NY were invited by Regional coordinator Nancy Elhajj to train facilitators from St. Vincent’s parish and St. Paul’s parish in Leesburg, FL. There will be Foundational Studies in both parishes starting in January.

Regional Coordinators Denise McCain and Director of Outreach Joanne Kane came from the Tampa area to provide assistance with the training.

Facilitator training Mary D 11_15-smallThe training included testimonials, a video presentation by Johnnette Benkovic, a PowerPoint presentation, handouts and plenty of time for questions and getting acquainted with the other participants. The 5 minute video introduction by Johnnette was well received and the slides provided a perfect backdrop for the various topics covered expertly by Sue and Mary.

An additional activity was held the following day when representatives from the St. Vincent’s Council of Catholic Women and Marian Servants attended a Meet and Greet dedicated to Our Blessed Mother and hosted by Women of Grace. The purpose was to bring the three groups together to talk about their roles in the parish and to pray for the needs of families.

Facilitator training hospitality Nov 2015-smallFollowing an icebreaker activity, the women prayed the Rosary for the intentions of each of the groups and shared information about their missions. The women stayed for refreshments and social time. There was informal discussion about having a similar activity for the newcomers to the parish and/or the women who serve in other ministries.

We are excited to see the fruit of the Facilitator Training as well as the collaboration of these three ministries working together for the good of local Catholic women.

For more information on how you can bring the Women of Grace® study program to your area, please email us at info@womenofgrace.com or call 1-800-558-5452.


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