Irish Doctor’s Plight Proves Why Americans Need Conscience Protections

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

An Irish Catholic doctor practicing Church-sanctioned Napro Technology in a Catholic hospital was hauled before a medical board for refusing to offer fertility treatments to an unmarried couple, a case that could be a portend of things to come in the U.S. due to inadequate conscience protections in the recently passed ObamaCare. 

The Irish Catholic is reporting that Dr. Phil Boyle, who runs a fertility treatment center in a Catholic hospital, was summoned before the country’s Fitness to Practice Committee last week and charged with professional misconduct for refusing to treat the couple. Even though he works at a Catholic hospital and is only upholding the beliefs of the Church, he can still be prosecuted under Ireland’s Equal Status Act which outlaws discrimination in the provision of goods and services on the grounds of marital status.

“The legislation makes no provision for freedom of religion and conscience, both of which are recognized as rights by Article 44 of the Irish Constitution,” the Irish Catholic reports. “Dr Boyle’s case is similar to recent cases in Britain, where Christians and other religious believers have found themselves punished under new equality legislation.”

Doctors are already protesting the charges. Dr John Murray, of The Iona Institute, told The Irish Catholic: ”This case should never have appeared before the Committee. ‘It is grotesque that it ever entertained the notion that Dr Boyle could be guilty of professional misconduct simply for abiding by his Catholic beliefs. It is abundantly clear now that the Medical Council must change its ethical guidelines to give greater protection to conscientious objection and religious freedom.”

Dr. Murray believes that the mere fact that the charges were brought at all “shows the need to amend the Equal Status Act in order to protect freedom of religion and conscience.”

If Dr. Boyle is found guilty and fined, the case could potentially find its way to Ireland’s Supreme Court, where the constitutionality of the Equal Status Act may be tested.

The lack of adequate conscience protections in ObamaCare is one of the reasons why the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops vigorously opposed the bill, which has now become law. Many believe it is only a matter of time before health care officials begin to prosecute Catholic doctors and hospitals for refusing services that violate Church teaching.

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