The Year of Mercy is About Conversion

john the baptistPope Francis says conversion is not just for atheists, but for all of us, and hopes we will use the Year of Mercy to deepen our commitment to Jesus Christ.

Vatican Radio is reporting on the Pope’s address to the faithful yesterday in which he reflected on the message of John the Baptist who preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The Baptist’s voice still cries out in the “deserts of humanity” today with its closed minds and stony hearts, and should make us all wonder whether we are actually going the right way and living a life according to the Gospel.

“No one can say: I’m fine. Not true, it would be presumptuous, because we must always be converted,” Francis said.

To discern where we are on this path to a deeper relationship with Christ, Francis encouraged the faithful to ask themselves some questions.

“Is it true that we feel how Jesus feels? For example, when we suffer some wrong or some affront, do we react without animosity of heart and forgive those who ask your forgiveness?” he asks.

“When we are called to share joys and sorrows, do we sincerely weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice? When we express our faith, do we do it with courage and simplicity, without being ashamed of the Gospel?”

He added: “Salvation is offered to every human, to every people, without exception, to each of us. None of us can say, ‘I am holy, I am perfect, I am already saved’. No. Again we must take this offer of salvation.”

The Pope went on to stress the need to use the Year of Mercy, which will officially open tomorrow, to travel further on the path of salvation, to draw closer to Jesus, our one true mediator, by an ever-deepening commitment to the way of the Gospel.

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