New Legal Initiative Will Protect Rights of Churches

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A prominent alliance of Christian attorneys has launched a new project aimed at protecting churches from excessive and unconstitutional government intrusion prohibited by the First Amendment.

“Pastors and churches shouldn’t live in fear of being punished or penalized by the government. That’s exactly why the Constitution protects religious freedom,” said Kevin Theriot, Senior Counsel at the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and head of the new Church Project. 

“Even erosions of religious liberty that seem small threaten the Church’s ability to be the Church.  . . . Every day the Church is intimidated into silence on issues like life, liberty, marriage, and the family is another day the cultural erosion continues unchecked.”

Theriot explained that the Constitution protects churches and their independence from undue government interference regarding internal church affairs, freely speaking from the pulpit, intimidation and harassment, equal access, land use, state regulatory schemes, and access to government programs. 

This new project will help to educate pastors on the four key freedoms they have that are specifically protected by the Consitution:

1. Freedom to Express Religious Beliefs – Churches cannot be compelled to participate in or approve of behavior or practices that compromise their biblical beliefs, and they are free to worship without intimidation or harassment.

2. Freedom of Speech – Pastors have the right to freely speak to their congregations on political matters from a biblical perspective without undue regulations by the government. ADF launched the Pulpit Initiative in 2008 to assert and reclaim this right.

3. Freedom of Access – Churches should not be discriminated against or excluded from gaining equal access to public facilities, land, or government programs because of their beliefs.

4. Freedom of Association – Churches have the right to keep the identity of members and donors private, as the government cannot force religious organizations to disclose lists of such persons unless it can show a compelling interest.

In addition to helping pastors stand up for these rights, the Church Project will also… 

• Help alert and educate pastors and ministry leaders nationwide about the powerful cultural and legal forces moving aggressively to limit religious freedom in America.

• Equip these leaders with the legal information, resources, and support they need to successfully defend that freedom in their own community.

• Help ensure that churches can remain free to govern themselves, enjoy access to public funds and facilities on equal terms with non-religious groups, teach and live out the full counsel of Scripture, follow their doctrine and teachings with regard to employment and other practices, and boldly proclaim the Gospel.
To learn more about the Church Project, visit

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