Attempt to Repeal CA Marriage Law Fails

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Attempts by homosexual activist groups to repeal California’s ban on same-sex marriage have failed due to lack of interest. is reporting that supporters of same-sex marriage failed to gather the 695,000 signatures needed to put an initiative on the November ballot that would allow Californians to vote on whether or not they wanted to repeal Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot initiative that amended the state’s constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman. 

Restore Equality 2010, the group promoting the effort, would not reveal how many signatures they obtained before deciding the effort was futile.

“Our signature collection effort may have fallen short, but we stand tall as being the only statewide campaign that fought for repealing Proposition 8 in 2010,” said Sean Bohac, Chairman of Restore Equality 2010, in a statement reported by the Sacramento Bee.

“Our campaign is now focused on 2012, and that effort starts today,” he said. “We will continue to fight for marriage equality every year until the battle is won.”

Critics of the group’s effort say the measure failed because Californians have accepted the results of Proposition 8, which passed by majority vote in 2008.

“Efforts to repeal Prop 8 failed because the majority of Californians do not want to revisit this issue,” Brian Brown, executive director of National Organization for Marriage, told the Bee. “Even the minority of Californians who voted against Prop 8 have accepted that the majority rules and moved on to other issues.”

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