Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Will Retire This Summer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, 89, has announced that he will retire from the bench when the court finishes its work for the summer.

The news is no surprise as Justice Stevens has been hinting at retirement for the last few months. According to the Associated Press, he made it official last Friday, saying he hopes his successor will be confirmed “well in advance of the commencement of the court’s next term.”

Stevens replacement is not likely to change the make up of the court as President Obama is expected to replace him with another liberal judge. The leading contenders for the job are the far left Solicitor General Elena Kagan, 49, best known for her unsuccessful fight against allowing the United States’ military to recruit on U.S. college and high school campuses.

Two other federal appellate Judges Merrick Garland, 57, and Diane Wood, 59, are also considered to be on the president’s short list.

In a written statement, Chief Justice John Roberts said Stevens has earned the gratitude and admiration of the American people.

“He has enriched the lives of everyone at the Court through his intellect, independence, and warm grace,” Roberts said.

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