Francis to America: Defend Your Freedoms!

Independence Hall in  Philadelphia

Independence Hall in Philadelphia

Standing before the birthplace of America, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pope Francis delivered a powerful address about the fundamental right of religious freedom while calling upon the immigrant population to “be responsible citizens.”

Vatican Radio is reporting on the address which was made earlier today to thousands of families from all around the world who gathered in Philadelphia’s Independence National Historical Park to enjoy the highlight of the 2015 World Meeting of Families – the arrival of Pope Francis.

Upon sight of the popemobile, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause, cheers, and tears as the pontiff was shown to a lectern used by President Abraham Lincoln for his famed 1863 Gettysburg Address.

The symbolism was not lost on the pope who said that one of the highlights of his visit to America was the opportunity to stand in that very spot where the United States of America was born.

“It was here that the freedoms which define this country were first proclaimed. The Declaration of Independence stated that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, and that governments exist to protect and defend those rights. Those ringing words continue to inspire us today, even as they have inspired peoples throughout the world to fight for the freedom to live in accordance with their dignity,” he said.

But history has proven that these truths must constantly be reaffirmed and defended, such as when our country struggled to abolish slavery and to extend voting rights to all Americans.

“This shows that, when a country is determined to remain true to its founding principles, based on respect for human dignity, it is strengthened and renewed,” the pope said.

Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Benjamin Franklin Parkway

“In this place which is symbolic of the American way, I would like to reflect with you on the right to religious freedom. It is a fundamental right which shapes the way we interact socially and personally with our neighbors whose religious views differ from our own.

“Religious freedom certainly means the right to worship God, individually and in community, as our consciences dictate. But religious liberty, by its nature, transcends places of worship and the private sphere of individuals and families.”

Our religious traditions call us to conversion, reconciliation, concern for the future of society, self-sacrifice in the service of the common good, and compassion for those in need, he said.

But most importantly, these traditions proclaim the truth and dignity of the human person and human rights.

“In a world where various forms of modern tyranny seek to suppress religious freedom, or try to reduce it to a subculture without right to a voice in the public square, or to use religion as a pretext for hatred and brutality, it is imperative that the followers of the various religions join their voices in calling for peace, tolerance and respect for the dignity and rights of others.”

Religions have the right and the duty to help build a society of healthy pluralism where differences of opinion and values are respected, he said.

The pope went on to describe the Quakers who founded Philadelphia and who were inspired by a profound sense of the dignity of each individual and the ideal of a community united by brotherly love.

“This conviction led them to found a colony which would be a haven of religious freedom and tolerance. That sense of fraternal concern for the dignity of all, especially the weak and the vulnerable, became an essential part of the American spirit. During his visit to the United States in 1987, Saint John Paul II paid moving homage to this, reminding all Americans that: “The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless ones” (Farewell Address, 19 September 1987, 3).

He then turned his attention to the large immigrant population.

“Many of you have emigrated to this country at great personal cost, but in the hope of building a new life. Do not be discouraged by whatever challenges and hardships you face. I ask you not to forget that, like those who came here before you, you bring many gifts to your new nation. You should never be ashamed of your traditions. Do not forget the lessons you learned from your elders, which are something you can bring to enrich the life of this American land. I repeat, do not be ashamed of what is part of you, your life blood.

“You are also called to be responsible citizens, and to contribute fruitfully to the life of the communities in which you live. I think in particular of the vibrant faith which so many of you possess, the deep sense of family life and all those other values which you have inherited. By contributing your gifts, you will not only find your place here, you will help to renew society from within.”

He ended the address with his customary warmth: “May this country and each of you be renewed in gratitude for the many blessings and freedoms that you enjoy. And may you defend these rights, especially your religious freedom, for it has been given to you by God himself. May He bless you all. I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me.”

After retiring for a few hours rest, the pope will join in the closing event of the World Meeting of Families, the Festival of Families, which is expected to draw up to 500,000 people. It will take place on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the same venue which will be used for the Pope’s final Mass in the United States, scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, and expected to be attended by 1.5 million people.

He will depart for Rome at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday night.

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