Pope to Press: I Am Not “Leftish”

pope francisCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In what was probably a big blow to the secular media, Pope Francis cleared up the misconception among the press that he is a “liberal” or left-leaning pope and reassures that he follows the social doctrine of the Church.

Various news outlets are reporting on the news conference the Pope gave on the plane yesterday afternoon  in which he told reporters he was not a “left-winger”.

“Some people might say some things [I said] sounded slightly more leftish, but that would be a mistake of interpretation.”

He went on to say that his support for seemingly “left wing” economic interventions and his support for traditional Catholic teaching transcends current definitions of “left-” or “right-wings”,

As for economic issues, he says, “It is I who follows the church . . .  my doctrine on all this . . . on economic imperialism, is that of the social doctrine of the Church. I’m sure that I have not said anything more than what is in the social doctrine of the church.”

On religious issues, he says simply: “If you want me to pray the [traditional Catholic] creed, I will do so.”

The pope could not have been more clear. Let us hope the record has finally been set straight!

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