Study: Just One Abortion Can Cause Future Pregnancy Problems

iStock_000016392217_SmallA new study has found that women who had just one abortion or miscarriage are more likely to face complications in future pregnancies.

The Daily Mail is reporting on the study conducted by researchers at Tel Aviv University where the records of 15,000 deliveries over the last five years were analyzed.

Researchers found that women who experienced a single interruption in pregnancy during the first trimester were 30 percent more likely to face complications in future pregnancies than women who had not experienced a pregnancy loss.

Among the complications cited were higher chances of vaginal bleeding, pre-term birth, low birth weight, placenta complications, and an increased need for Cesarean deliveries.

Although it has long been established that having several abortions or miscarriages increases the risk of problematic future pregnancies, this is the first study to show that these risks increase even after just one incident of an interrupted pregnancy.

The team, led by Dr. Liran Hiersch, found that the women who had an interrupted pregnancy tended to be older, to have had higher rates of fertility treatments and were more likely to develop diabetes during pregnancy than the control group of women who didn’t have a prior terminated pregnancy.

Caesarean deliveries were performed for 25 per cent of women with a prior terminated pregnancy, compared with 18 per cent of woman who experienced no pregnancy interruption.

Retained placenta after birth occurred in seven percent of the women who had a history of abortion or miscarriage compared to just five percent of the other women.

“Our findings should be taken into account together with other parameters when assessing the risk for adverse outcome,” Dr. Hiersch said. “We hope this study will be incorporated in the usual risk assessments. Doctors should know there is another element to factor in when assisting a woman before labor.”

The study was published in the Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine.

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