Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. . . . and Mx?

oxford dictionaryThe Oxford English Dictionary is considering the addition of a new descriptive title, Mx., for persons who consider themselves to be transgendered or “gender-neutral”.

The Blaze is reporting on the latest cultural inroad being made by persons suffering from gender confusion. The prestigious Oxford English Dictionary has announced that it will begin consideration of adding a new descriptive for persons who are transgendered, considering a transition, or who consider themselves to be gender-neutral.

“This an example of how the English language adapts to people’s needs, with people using language in ways that suit them rather than letting language dictate identity to them,” said Jonathan Dent, the UK dictionary’s assistant editor, to the Sunday Times.

The term is already in use in the UK on government documents such as licenses and university records.

Thus far, there are no plans to consider a similar addition to the U.S. dictionary of choice – Merriam-Webster. Emily A. Brewster, associate editor of Webster’s told The Christian Post her team is still monitoring the use of Mx. in America.

“Contrary to what some news outlets have reported, the [Oxford English Dictionary] does not yet include the honorific Mx. We’re not surprised, though, that its editors are considering adding the term,” Brewster said. “Mx. is used increasingly on various official forms in the U.K., as well in British newspapers and periodicals.”

Thus far, the title is used much more sparsely in the U.S. than in the U.K. but she expressed interest in seeing “if it takes root here in the same way it has in the U.K.”

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