High Profile Lawyer Joins Attack on Tebow Ad

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Popular Hollywood attorney Gloria Allred is joining the war over the airing of a pro-life Super Bowl ad, saying the ad should be withdrawn because it is “misleading advertising.”

According to Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, Ms. Allred has petitioned CBS to drop the ad because it contains what she considers to be misleading information.

“Allred, who has not seen the ad, charges that when Tebow’s mother was being advised by doctors in the Philippines to consider an abortion (she was on antibiotics for a pregnancy illness), it was illegal there to have one,” Donohue says. “In a monumental stretch, Allred reasons that the ad should disclose this information, otherwise it is ‘misleading.’”

Donohue blasts Allred for positioning herself against the ad, especially in light of the courageous defense of life that she launched a few years ago when defending a woman related to the case of Scott Peterson who murdered his pregnant wife Laci.

“In an interview she gave to Hannity and Colmes on the Fox News Channel on June 5, 2003, Allred found it useful to her case to emphasize the humanness of Peterson’s baby: ‘And the fact that there are two individuals who are dead there, Laci and Connor, that has to be the most important consideration of everything’,” Donohue writes. “ For once, she was right.”

He adds: “Allred’s confession in 2003 undercuts her credibility—to say nothing of her ethical standing—to make the case against this Super Bowl ad. She knows that Tim Tebow is alive today because his mother did not abort him.”

To let  CBS know of your support for this ad, contact Leslie Moonves at lmoonves@cbs.com

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