Testing 1-2-3


“Dryness and aridity may be a trial sent fromGrace God. Bear it patiently. Remain humbly at His feet. Assure Him simply that you wish only what is pleasing to Him.”
                       -St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier

For Reflection:
What three steps does St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier offer to combat dryness in prayer? Her quotation suggests that dryness and aridity could be pleasing to God. In what way(s) do I see this as a possibility?


Padre Pio’s Spiritual Direction for Every Day 

b1664Gianluigi Pasquale 
Pb 272 pgs
Click Here For More Information

January 15  page 9

Do not immerse yourself in your work and other activities to such a degree that you lose the divine presence. To that purpose, I urge you continually to renew the right intention you had at the beginning and to recite ejaculatory prayers from time to time. Those prayers are like arrows that wound God’s heart and oblige Him–and this word is not at all exaggerated in this case–oblige Him, I tell you, to grant you His graces and His help in everything.

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