Death Threats Against Pro-Lifers on the Rise

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The FBI is currently investigating an increasing number of death threats against pro-life organizations that have been occuring since the May 31 killing of late-term abortionist George Tiller.

According to a report by CBN.Com, Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue said he has had three in-person meetings with the FBI within the last few months and has turned over numerous death threat letters received by their organization.

Although many of these threats are laced with unprintable expletives, the following are examples of some of the threats Operation Rescue has received:

“Time to start killing bible-thumping morons. If only YOUR parents had believed in abortion.”

“Let those that have sinned cast bullets towards you idiots as well.”

“Since you and your followers promote the killing of doctors who carry out abortions, I think it’s time for those of us who respect a woman’s right to control her own reproduction to promote a little terrorism of our own. So watch out, keep looking over your shoulders, who knows who may be behind you?”

“I eagerly await the day that I see your blood on someone’s hands.”

Pro-Life leader Reverend Pat Mahoney told CBN that these threats are becoming a serious problem. “Our group has had many death threats, anthrax threats, cars broken into and calls at home where people say we’re going to get you and your family.”

Michigan pro-life activist Judy Zabik, who is the spokesman for Flint Area Right to Life is calling on tougher protections for pro-life clinics. “I would publicly insist that all crisis pregnancy centers be afforded the same protection that Eric Holder gave to all the abortion clinics around the country after (George)Tiller was murdered.”

President Obama ordered the U.S. Marshal Service to offer protection to abortion practitioners after Tiller’s death, but has not responded in kind after pro-life activist Jim Pouillon was gunned down outside a Michigan high school last Friday.

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