Pope Grieves Tragic Loss of Relatives

Pope Francis says he is “deeply pained” by the tragic loss of three relatives who were killed in a fiery car crash in Cordoba, Argentina.

10569082_10202650091593319_1248204403181295034_nCathNews.com is reporting that Emanuel Horacio Bergoglio, 38, the son of the Pope’s late brother, Alberto, was driving with his wife and two children on a highway between Rosario and Cordoba Argentina  around midnight on Monday night. Their car hit the back of a truck and burst into flames, killing Emanuel’s wife Valeria, 39, and his two children, Antonio, eight months, and Joseph, two years.

Both Emanuel and Joseph were pulled out of the wreck alive, but the child died shortly after arriving at a nearby hospital. Emanuel remains on a respirator and is listed in critical condition.

According to Vatican spokesman, Fr Federico Lombardi SJ, the Pope is described as being “deeply pained” by the news of the deaths.

“He asks all those who share in his pain to join him in prayer.”

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