Powerful Pro-Marriage Video Goes Viral!

After reading story after story about Christians who are being forced to accept homosexual unions, most of us have figured out by now that tolerance is not the real aim of the same-sex marriage movement in America – it’s about silencing or punishing anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Americans have become increasingly fed up with these bullying tactics and are planning to pour into the streets of Washington DC on June 19 to show the government that they will not be silenced, they will not be bullied, and they will not give up their constitutional rights to free speech and the free exercise of their religion.

The march, which is being hosted by the National Organization for Marriage, will feature speakers such as Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Chairman, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage; former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee; former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum; and Rev. Ruben Diaz, New York Senator (D-Bronx).

People can participate in the March in person, or virtually.

The time has come for all of us to ask ourselves this question: “Will I remain silent in the face of this oppression, or will I stand up and fight for what I believe?”

Forward this video to anyone who is willing to stand up for marriage, faith, and family!


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