Thought Police Strike Again!

Benham brothersThe popular Home and Garden TV channel (HGTV) is the latest network under fire after cancelling a show hosted by major league baseball players, David and Jason Benham, simply because they subscribe to the Christian faith.

The Family Research Council (FRC) is reporting that the twin brothers had already begun to film the new show, called Flip It Forward, based on their business of helping families obtain homes they otherwise could not afford.

“After a decade of flipping houses for profit, brothers David Benham and Jason Benham now help families buy the homes they never thought they could afford,” HGTV announced. “In each episode, the guys help a deserving family find a fixer-upper and transform it into their forever home — with a healthy dose of sibling rivalry between the brothers along the way.”

But that was before the “thought police” (aka radical pro-homosexual activists like GLAAD) found out that David Benham leads protests outside abortion clinics, led a prayer rally outside of the Democratic National Convention in 2012 and once said that the Christian majority must repent for tolerating homosexuality and the “demonic ideologies” infiltrating our universities and public school systems.

Activists put the pressure on HGTV whose officials decided to can the program.

The brothers, who are devout Christians, make no apologies for the beliefs they profess.

“Over the last decade, we’ve sold thousands of homes with the guiding principle of producing value and breathing life into each family that has crossed our path, and we do not, nor will we ever discriminate against people who do not share our views,” the Benhams said in a statement.

“Our faith is the fundamental calling in our lives, and the centerpiece of who we are. As Christians we are called to love our fellow man. Anyone who suggests that we hate homosexuals or people of other faiths is either misinformed or lying.”

They go on to express their sadness with HGTV’s decision. “With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it.”

Speaking to CNN last evening, David Benham said HGTV executives were fully aware of their Christian roots. They met with the brothers a year ago in a face-to-face meeting and determined that “there was no hate in us.” However, organizations such as the radical Right Wing Watch launched a smear campaign against them.

“We feel HGTV was bullied. … They knew who we were and believe in us. They were willing to take the chance with us.” He said they were halfway through filming the initial episode order when they “got cut off. “All this media firestorm … was too much for them to bear and they had to make a decision.”

FRC president Tony Perkins believes the network’s narrow-mindedness is going to backfire this time, especially because the Benham’s goal was to help the less fortunate.

“Unfortunately, liberals don’t care who would be helped by people like the Benhams. Forcing their sexual ideology is more important than the compassion they say they practice. Sadly, this isn’t the first time the Left has been willing to punish hurting people in the name of political correctness. Catholic Charities lost a government grant to care for victims of sex trafficking — simply for being pro-life!” Perkins said.

“So remind me again which side is the ‘tolerant’ one? Who commissioned these thought police to decide what issues one can publicly advocate for? Why is advocating for animal rights acceptable, but advocating for the unborn is not? Why is it okay to oppose public prayer but not okay to oppose the redefinition of natural marriage?”

He is calling upon the faithful to once again assert their rights and besiege the network with complaints.

“Obviously, the only thing that needs renovating on HGTV is the network’s intolerance. Join the thousands of fans calling on these producers to #FlipThisDecision!”

Thus far, the comments on the company’s Facebook page are overwhelmingly opposed to their decision. Click here to add your voice!

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HGTV Corporate Office Headquarters
500 W. Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902

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