UN Calls for Universal Sex Ed for all Children Over Age Five

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A new report issued by the U.N. is calling for sex education to be taught to children over the age of five in all countries and claims that international law requires this to be done.

According to a report by LifeSiteNews.com, the report was issued by the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an organization with a long history of support for UN population control programs, and calls for children to be taught about sex, “reproductive” and “gender” issues. Explicit information about sex is an “entitlement,” the report says.

“Sexuality education is part of the duty…of education and health authorities and institutions.”

Even though the report insists that parents should be included in consultations on age-appropriateness of the sex education programs, it repeatedly asserts that teachers and government-approved programs are most responsible for children’s well being.

“In a context where ignorance and misinformation can be life-threatening, sexuality education is part of the duty of care of education and health authorities and institutions,” the report states.

“Teachers in the classroom have a responsibility to act in the place of parents, contributing towards ensuring the protection and well-being of children and young people.”

 “As with most ‘progressive’ demands for explicit sexual information for children, the rationale is to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancy,” writes LifeSite’s Hilary White, “this despite increasing evidence on the ground that such ‘education’ increases these and other social ills.”

The report was released in conjunction with the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), an organization which works for universal access to “reproductive health care,” which includes coerced abortion. Other contributors include UNICEF(United Nations Children’s Fund) and the World Health Organization, both of which are heavily invested in UN population control programs.

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