GPS Saves Baby’s Life

tasha and daughtersThanks to a mother’s GPS that kept guiding her to pro-life pregnancy centers rather than abortoin clinics, a healthy baby girl named Bethany was brought to life. is reporting on the story of “Tasha”, a young mother who had decided not to have another baby after a difficult first pregnancy and delivery. So when a pregnancy test revealed she was three months pregnant, she was overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty.

“My anxiety about my health was definitely a concern,” Tasha said.

But she was also worried about having to face this new challenge alone. “I was also at a difficult place in my relationship with the father of my baby,” she explained.

For these reasons, she considered having an abortion.

Seeking information, she searched online for “abortion help” and was given an address. She entered it into her GPS, and followed the directions. The address turned out to be a pregnancy help center that did not perform abortions.

“I had a confirmation test and an ultrasound that verified my pregnancy,” Tasha said. “I was also counseled about all of the options available to me.”

However, she was still uncertain about what to do and decided to try another clinic in the area. She typed a second address into her GPS and drove to what turned out to be another pregnancy center rather than an abortion clinic.

baby bethanyOnce again, a very welcoming staff spoke with her and counseled her on her options.

For the next few days, she continue to vacillate between having an abortion and keeping the child, and decided to try one more clinic. She typed another address into her GPS and once again turned up at life-affirming pregnancy center.

“I decided then that God was trying to tell me something,” Tasha says.

Thanks to the helpful staff she met during this time, she received the encouragement and support she needed to face another challenging pregnancy.

“The journey was indeed a challenging one because the health issues were once again present during this pregnancy. However, the reward arrived on September 11, in the form of a beautiful baby girl.”

Tasha credits the help of pregnancy center workers for saving the life of her new daughter, Bethany.

Instead of calling her GPS a guided positioning system, Tasha and the center’s staff have decided to give it a more appropriate name –  a “God Positioning System”!

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