Americans Trust Health Insurance Companies More than Government

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A new Rasmussen poll has found that problems with Congressional health care reform have become so pervasive that Americans no longer believe they can trust the federal government with their health care.

A new poll released yesterday found that 51 percent of Americans now fear the federal government more than private insurance companies. Forty-one percent say they fear insurance companies more.

Among those who have health insurance, 53 percent fear the government more than insurance companies and those without insurance fear the insurance companies more.

Age also makes a difference. Younger people under 30 fear insurance companies more while people in their 40’s are evening divided. People over the age of 40 overwhelmingly fear the government more.

These results trend with other polls and surveys showing older Americans becoming increasingly more skeptical of the federal government as fears mount that the current health care “reform” plans will result in rationing or encouraging euthanasia.

“These findings help explain fears by some of a government ‘takeover’ of health care under the reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats,” pollster Scott Rasmussen wrote in his analysis.

Not surprisingly, there is a huge partisan divide on this question.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of Democrats fear private insurance companies more than government while 82% of Republicans hold the opposite view. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 53% fear government more.

Surprisingly, most of those who attend church at least once a month say they fear the government more while those who rarely or never attend church fear insurance companies more.

Rasumussen also reports that the public is not buying allegations that townhall protesters are “plants” by special interest groups to disrupt the meetings. Forty nine percent of those polled believe the protesters are genuinely expressing the views of their neighbors while 37 percent believe they’re phony.

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