Another Yoga Alternative

wholy fitThis blog has generous readers who are determined to prove that no one needs yoga to stay fit.

A reader named “LD” sent us the link to yet another yoga alternative called Wholyfit. I was impressed with what I read on the Wholyfit website, especially the testimony of co-founder Laura Monica:

“At one point in my search to heal from chronic illness, I mistakenly sought out (and even taught) yoga and Tai Chi,” Monica writes.

“When I pursued formal certification, I learned that the Yoga Alliance did not allow teachers or certification organizations to be registered unless they teach/study yoga scriptures and actually practice traditional ‘mantras, chanting and kriyas in a dedicated yoga environment.’  I felt this infringed on my freedom of religion. Finally, when we were given prayer cards and instructed to chant in Sanskrit to ‘give your soul completely to Shiva’ during yoga teacher training, I rejected both yoga and Tai Chi for good. From then on, I dedicated my time and energy to developing WholyFit, with a mind to come up with an alternative to yoga to be able to present a therapeutic, mind-body corrective exercise system to offer to others who are looking for a healthy way to exercise and manage stress.”

The insistence of Yoga Alliance that instructors practice Hinduism does not surprise me. After all, yoga is part of their religion and the only people who claim otherwise are the informed or those wishing to cash in on the “yoga fad”.

Click here, here and here for more yoga alternatives.

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