Four Pro-Lifers Arrested During Sotomayor Hearings, Including “Jane Roe”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

On just her first day on the Hill, the hearings to confirm Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor have been interrupted several times by outbursts from pro-life protestors. One of these protestors, Norma McCorvey, the woman known as “Jane Roe” in the landmark abortion ruling, Roe v. Wade, was arrested after shouting “You’re wrong, Sotomayor!”

The first outburst of the day occurred during opening comments by pro-abortion Sen. Dianne Feinstein yesterday. A bearded man in a suit who was seated in the visitors gallery began yelling, “Senator. What about the unborn!” After calling abortion “genocide,” he yelled “Stop the genocide of unborn Latinos!”  Capital Police escorted him from the chamber.

Judge Sotomayor reacted to the incident by turning toward her family and friends who were seated behind her.

Police later identified the protester as Robert James from Virginia. He has been charged with unlawful conduct and disruption  of Congress.

Just an hour later, during a statement by pro-abortion Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, another protester, a young man, jumped out of his seat and began shouting, “Abortion is murder. Defend life.” He added a few words in Spanish before police officers escorted him from the room.

Not long afterward, Norma McCorvey, best known as the “Jane Roe” in the landmark Supreme Court abortion case Roe v. Wade, was arrested after she interrupted remarks from Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota. 

“You’re wrong Sotomayor,” McCorvey yelled during the hearing. “You’re wrong.”
Earlier in the day, McCorvey told the Milwaukee Sentinel that she was there “to overturn Roe and defeat Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. She’s  unworthy of the position. She’s Catholic. She’s even unworthy of taking communion because of her pro-abortion stance.”

Meanwhile, a handful of protesters carrying “Stop Sotomayor” placards remained outside the Senate office building where the hearings were taking place. Two of the pro-life advocates were dressed as the “Blues Brothers” borrowed a line from the classic comedy film for their sign: “We’re on a mission from God.”

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