Group Launches Campaign to Convert Wayward Catholic Politicians

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A new prayer campaign has been launched by a Catholic organization to enable the faithful to spiritually “adopt” a Catholic politician who supports abortion to pray for their conversion., an advocacy group devoted to helping Catholics stay informed on the issues and to become more active in the public square, launched the campaign yesterday on the feast of the patron saint of statesmen and politicians, St. Thomas More.

“Months ago, we discovered that 50 percent of Catholic politicians serving in the 111th Congress have accepted large donations from pro-abortion lobby groups while reinforcing their support for abortion rights legislation,” the group said in a recent press release. “These elected officials are deeply
confused about Catholic teaching on the morality of abortion.”

Many of these Catholic legislators who support abortion rights cite “primacy of conscience” to justify their support for abortion rights, embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia, the group said. However, a properly formed conscience recognizes the essential truth of Catholic teaching– that human life is sacred and inviolable from the moment of conception until natural death.

“Over the past few months, we contacted the bishops of these Catholic members of Congress, to shed light on their abortion rights voting records and the money they accepted from abortion lobbyists. We respectfully asked that they continue to minister to these lawmakers. Their spiritual direction gives invaluable insight to our Catholic legislators, reaffirming “that life is entrusted to man’s responsibility.”

In addition, the group is asking the faithful to join their Prayer Campaign for the Conversion of our Catholic Politicians.

“Specifically, we ask that you adopt a Catholic member of Congress and pledge a daily spiritual devotion for their enlightenment and for the continued inspiration of their bishop.”

To review a list of these politicians along with information pertaining to their voting records and campaign contributions, visit

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