Obama Administration to Meet with Pro Life Leaders

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A meeting between the White House Faith-Based Office and representatives of leading pro-life organizations will meet on March 31 to discuss abortion.

According to a report by LifeNews.com, the meeting was arranged a week after the Obama Administration refused to allow pro-life groups to participate in discussions on the future of health care policy.

The meeting will include the heads of Concerned Women for American (CWA) and the Family Research Council, the Christian Medical Association and Care Net, a national association of pregnancy care centers. They will meet with Joshua DuBois, the head of the White House Faith-Based office.  The meeting will focus on how to reduce abortions.

It is not known if any high-ranking policy officials will be present in the meeting.

Pro-life advocates intend to tell Obama officials that abortions will never be reduced if we continue to send more money to groups like Planned Parenthood who are heavily invested in the abortion industry. 

“The Obama administration says they want to be inclusive and represent all Americans,” said CWA president, Wendy Wright, to CBNNews.com.

“The White House faith-based office is now tasked with reducing the number of abortions – something that pro-life groups have very good experience in accomplishing. Funding abortion or abortion providers is one of the worst things that could be done. . . . We hope to begin a dialogue that results in policies which actually work, not just financially benefit certain interest groups like abortion providers.”

She added: “Pregnancy resource centers and regulations on abortion have a terrific track record in helping women choose alternatives to abortion.”

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