Group Announces “New Day In Politics” for Pro Life Movement

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

The prestigious Susan B. Anthony List (SBA) announced Thursday that former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) will head a new initiative aimed at targeting vulnerable Congressional districts in key states with the hopes of winning more pro-life seats in Congress in upcoming elections.

Called the Votes Have Consequences Initiative, it is a grassroots mobilization drive that will educate voters in districts where the abortion voting record of elected representatives is out of touch with their districts. The initiative will attempt to educate and mobilize voters to seek representatives who are more in sync with their values. 

“Under the new administration and Congress, pro-lifers have constantly been on the defensive,” said Musgrave, who will make the push as executive director for the SBA, which is a group that seeks to help pro-life candidates win elections. 

“An aggressive, strategic effort to educate pro-life voters early and often is long overdue,” she said. “This is a new day in politics for the pro-life movement. We’re going to be assertive, strategic and focused in our efforts to elevate the cause of life at the grass-roots level, where it matters.”

 “We’re going to say very clearly that these votes do have consequences, and we will use every form of medium to defeat these people,” she said.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, SBA President, said we’re at a point in history “when political ‘education’ includes lies and distortions which attack candidates personally instead of their policy stands.”

This is why It is so critical that pro-life communication to voters about their representatives be constant, clear and honest, which is exactly what the new Initiative intends to do.

“Our efforts will be early, aggressive and in a targeted fashion,” Ms. Dannenfelser said. “Continuing pro-life trends among women and the nation as a whole make this education all the more critical.”

The Votes Have Consequences Initiative will be launched in targeted districts across the country by the fall of this year.

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