Using Sex to Sell Obamacare

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The purveyors of the rapidly sinking Affordable Care Act have sunk to new levels of desperation in a new ad campaign targeting young women with invitations to have sex without worry because Obamacare covers birth control. is reporting that a group of wealthy Democrats, under the cover of a Colorado-based group called Progress Now, are behind a new ad campaign that is using sex as a way to lure young people onto the health exchanges.

“Got insurance?” says the new online which features a young lady holding a pack of pills next to a handsome guy. “Let’s get physical! OMG he’s hot. I hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers. I got insurance. Now you can too. Thanks Obamacare!”

InfoWars reports that Progress Now, which operated under cover of nonprofit status, is funded by the George Soros-linked Democracy Alliance, a political group founded by Rob Stein, a former Clinton Treasury official.

Youth are being targeted by the ads because the ACA’s survival is depending on an influx of cash from healthy young people to fund the premiums of older and less healthy folk. The problem is that the policies cost much more than what the young can afford. Remember, this demographic is plagued by chronic un- or under-employment and record high levels of college tuition debt. The last thing they need is a huge insurance bill for coverage they don’t need. Most are opting to skip the insurance and pay the fine, which is cheaper by a long shot.

Because the government needs cash to run its latest entitlement program is no reason to encourage young people to lead promiscuous lives that lead to a myriad of physical, emotional, and spiritual ills.

We can only hope young people won’t fall for this gimmick and will realize that when someone has to stoop to these levels in order to sell them something, it’s certainly not worth buying.

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