Crucial Battleground State Bishop Warns Flock About Obama

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Catholic voters in the crucial battleground state of Missouri heard the Church’s stance on voting for pro-abortion candidates in unequivocal terms when a Kansas City bishop took to the airwaves to warn his flock.

According to a report by, Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City was interviewed by KCMO 710 radio host Chris Stigall the day before the election.

“There are Catholics listening to me right now who are thinking strongly or are convinced that they will vote for Barack Obama,” Stigall said. “What would you say to them?” Stigall asked the bishop.

“I would say, give consideration to your eternal salvation,” Bishop Finn responded.

“To vote for a person who has expressed a fanatical determination to not only support abortion as it is now, but to remove all limitations on it through the Freedom of Choice Act and to extend it without any recourse — throwing out all of the efforts of citizens over the last 35 years to place reasonable limits on abortion,” Bishop Finn explained.

“By voting for a person who has expressed his determination to do this to Planned Parenthood and NARAL — you make yourself a participant in the act of abortion. That’s gravely wrong, and you mustn’t do it because your eternal salvation is tied up with that important choice,” Bishop Finn said.

After the interview with KCMO, Bishop Finn made another appearance on the Mike Gallagher Show.

“In good conscience, how can a Catholic vote for Senator Obama?” Gallagher asked.

Bishop Finn gave the same answer. “I don’t think any Catholic can in good conscience,” he said, then added, “In his brief career, he has collected a very consistent record of a kind of fanaticism for abortion.”

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