Vatican Refuses to be Politically Correct

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
The Vatican has accepted the appointment of a Catholic in good standing with the Church as the French ambassador to the Vatican after refusing to accept a militant homosexual and a divorcee who remarried outside the Church.

According to a report by LifeSiteNews, after a one-year standoff with the Vatican, French President Nicholas Sarkozy withdrew the appointment of Jean-Loup Kuhn-Delforge who has been described in the Italian media as a “declared militant homosexual.” Kuhn-Delforge is involved in a civil union with a man and shares his last name.

The Vatican has steadfastly refused to approve the appointment of Kuhn-Delforge because it would signify acceptance of the man’s lifestyle. It also refused to accept the credentials of another possible French ambassador, Catholic writer Denis Tillinac, who is divorced and remarried in defiance of Church teaching on the permanence of marriage.

According to unnamed diplomatic sources, another candidate, Stanislas Laboulave, who is also France’s ambassador to Russia and a Catholic in good standing with the Church, has been accepted by the Vatican for the post which has been vacant since the death of the former ambassador in December, 2007.

But the refusal to accept ambassadors who are not practicing Catholics is not limited to the French. The Vatican was involved in a similar situation with Argentina when President Kristina Fernandez de Kirchner attempted to appoint a divorcée, Alberto Iribarne, as ambassador for the Holy See. Iribarne eventually withdrew his candidacy and was replaced by Juan Pablo Cafiero, who was quickly approved by the Vatican.

The Vatican’s political incorrectness is making headlines in Europe.

“The Catholic Church maintains a firm position regarding those moral issues and condemns divorce, besides considering homosexuality as a deviation, for which reason it is opposed to all laws that legalize unions between homosexuals,” noted the French Press Agency (AFP).

The AFP also reported that the rejection of the ambassador appointments by the Holy See has made headlines in Italy, generating widespread discussion about religious matters.

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