Giant Billboard Bashes ObamaCare

Obamacare billboardA giant billboard scheduled to be erected on New York’s 42nd Street later this week will deliver a striking message that stands six stories tall – “Warning: Obamacare may be hazardous to your health.”

Fox News is reporting that the sign is being erected by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank that has been conducting a public education campaign about the Affordable Care act to prepare them for what’s ahead.

Writing for Fox, Heritage Foundation president and former Senator Jim De Mint says his organization is devote to informing the American public “about the dangerous side-effects of this unfair, unaffordable and unworkable law, and how it can be stopped.”

De Mint lists five of the worst side effects of ObamaCare:

First, many Americans will lose their current health coverage simply because their current coverage fails to meet the new requirements imposed by the law.

Second, many Americans will lose access to physicians they trust – even if they can keep their current coverage. The reason for this is because many plans on ObamaCare Exchanges are limiting physician networks, De Mint explains, which means even if they can keep their doctor, they will pay significantly more to see him or her out-of-network.

Third, ObamaCare creates a panel of bureaucrats who will have the power to make rulings that reduce Medicare spending, thereby placing bureaucrats between doctors and patients.

“The law imposes new penalties on doctors who do ‘not satisfactorily submit data’ that meet Washington bureaucrats’ standards,” De Mint writes.

This is why nearly three in five physicians who responded to a recent Deloitte survey believe the practice of medicine is in jeopardy.

“Fourth, ObamaCare dumps millions of patients onto Medicaid—a health program so bad that not even Medicaid patients call it ‘real insurance’,” De Mint writes.

“An analyst for the liberal Consumers Union once admitted that a Medicaid card is but a “hunting license”—“a chance to go try and find a doctor” that actually accepts Medicaid patients.”

There have been numerous studies showing that people enrolled in Medicaid have worse medical outcomes than those who have no health insurance at all, which raises the question of why we are expanding this broken program. As De Mint describes, it’s like “giving millions of Americans a cruel and empty promise – an insurance card with limited access to real health care.”

Fifth, ObamaCare’s reductions in Medicare spending will seriously undermine the health system for millions of seniors.

“According to the non-partisan Medicare actuary, the law’s arbitrary spending reductions could cause 15 percent of hospitals to become unprofitable by 2019, and as many as 40 percent of hospitals to become unprofitable in the long term. These hospitals could face the choice between shutting out seniors or shutting their doors for good. Either outcome is unacceptable,” De Mint writes.

The program will also impact the nation’s fiscal health, causing the cost of entitlements to soar from $48 billion in 2014 to $250 billion by 2023.

“That will create a lot of pain in taxpayers’ wallets,” he says.

De Mint is calling on the public to support defunding ObamaCare this fall when Congress goes to battle once again over the national budget.

“For all these reasons and more, Congress must act, and act now, to stop ObamaCare before it takes root.”

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