My Top Twelve Blessings in 2009

87496898As we cast a backward glance to 2009 and enter 2010, it is good to take a reflective moment to thank God for the many blessings we have received in the recently parted year. It may even be helpful to record them in your journal.

Sometimes these blessings are obvious such as family, friends, and good health.

Sometimes they are taken for granted like food on the table, a roof over our head, the conveniences of everyday living. 

And sometimes, the greatest blessings of all are shrouded in dark packaging like the trials, tribulations, reversals and contradictions of daily life.

What were your top twelve blessings in 2009?

Mine follow.

I thank God for:

*** The grace to move forward in my grieving process and for the little occurrences that let me know I am making progress.050211_5303_3833_



*** The continued opportunity to use the airwaves for Catholic evangelization; EWTN Television and Radio and all EWTN affiliates for making the airwaves available to me; the many benefactors and friends of Living His Life Abundantly and Women of Grace who support our efforts to bring the healing love of Jesus Christ to the very ends of the earth.




*** All of the Women of Grace facilitators who are spiritual mothers to many women; all of the women who have taken the Women of Grace Foundational Study for allowing God to use them as conduits of grace in the world.



*** Spiritual friends and advisors who nourish me by their word, witness, guidance and counsel. Personal friends who make life glow with the warmth of love and affection. Those less lovable who nonetheless image Christ and help me grow in the virtues.


*** The poignant stab of grief at unexpected moments that reminds me death does not kill love, for love is God’s life moving within us.87481169


*** The Cross of Our Lord in which and through which we find a treasury of grace and every spiritual blessing in the heavens (Eph. 1:3). For the many crosses of 2009 so that I could find a bit more grace.


*** My parents who gave me life and love.


*** My daughters, two wonderful women, who image the best of their father and the best of me (everything else belongs entirely to them — LOL!). For my son-in-law. For my two granddaughters — Carmen and Julia — sheer, utter, complete  joy!



*** My husband, Anthony, and my son, Simon, for whom I pray; and whom I pray, pray for me.


*** The gift of the Catholic Faith, the fullness of truth it is, and for the gift of hope it infuses in me.

  • *** Mary, my spiritual mother, who nurtures me in the mysteries of her Son. Totus Tuus, Mater Dei! May I truly be her daughter and a daughter of the Church her Son founded.



*** The Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May He be praised for, in, and through all things!

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