Americans Losing Confidence in Scandal-Ridden Administration

New polls are showing the president’s job approval plummeting and large majorities saying they believe their government is out of control and that the White House is not telling them the truth.

med500001New Fox News polls find that after two weeks of scandal involving the tapping of reporters’ phones, the targeting of conservative and religious groups by the IRS and giving the public false information about the cause of the Benghazi terrorist attack, disapproval of President Barack Obama’s job performance is above 50 percent for the first time in a year.

“Overall, 45 percent of voters approve of the job Obama’s doing, down from 47 percent last month,” Fox reports. “Just over half — 51 percent — disapprove of his performance, up from 45 percent last month.  This is the first time disapproval of Obama has topped 50 percent since April 2012.”

Americans are also giving him historic low marks for honesty with 48 percent thinking he is being dishonest. That number was up from 46 percent last summer.

When asked which of the current scandals are the most troublesome, 32 percent said the IRS targeting of conservative groups, followed by Benghazi at 27 percent, with 21 percent saying the Justice Department seizure of phone records of reporters was most concerning.

The Administration also seems to have a credibility problem when it comes to its denials of any knowledge about the IRS scandal with 66 percent of Americans saying they believe the Administration was involved in the policy in some way. Thirty seven percent say they think the administration at least knew about it with another 29 percent saying the White House directed the IRS to go after conservative groups.

Not surprisingly, more than two-thirds of those polled (68%) say they feel the government is out of control and is threatening their civil liberties.

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